Impulse has been making computer products since 1981. We have made many different types of products from Audio Digitizers, and Video Digitizers to Paint Programs, Database Managers, Multi Media Authoring systems to Our most recent products. Here is a listing of our line up. If you run across something that needs more explanation than that which can be found herein, please drop us a line and we will be glad to get you something a bit more technical. (if that is possible.)

If you need to digitize it and get it to a computer the Digimax will fill the need.

The Edimator Pro and Lite represent the highest quality Non-Linear systems for the PC.

Imagine for windows the next best PC product for 3D rendering and animation

If you are still using DOS Imagine 4.0 will fill the 3D void.

You have to check this area out everytime you stop by, things can get real hot here.


Copyright © 1996 Impulse Inc.!